2024 JNJG Under 12 Tour ACT


Proudly Sponsored by




JNJG Under 12 Tour - Bag Pusher Guidelines



The main 3 Rules for Bag Pushers at JNJG Under 12 Tour Events are.

- No Coaching

- No Cheating

- No Slow Play


Players competing on the JNJG Under 12 Tour do have the option to use a "Bag Pusher" to help them get around the golf course. Bag Pushers ARE NOT CADDIES and are encouraged to assist each golfer in the group with pace of play, scoring and general golf etiquette in this developmental part of the JNJG Pathway.


Basically, the more the players can do themselves, the better.


  • Bag Pushers are not permitted to coach the players during the round.
  • Bag Pushers are not permitted to tee the ball up or take a preferred lie for the players.
  • Bag Pushers are not permitted to stand behind the players during a pre-shot routine or line up shots.
  • Bag Pushers are not permitted to go onto the green to read putts or line up putts for the player when putting.



To assist with pace of play……

  • Bag Pushers are permitted to act as additional spotters and help search for lost balls.
  • Bag Pushers are permitted to rake bunkers.
  • Bag Pushers are permitted onto the green to take the flag out and let players know whose turn it is to putt.


Any Bag Pusher found to be crossing these clearly defined guidelines above will be given one official warning before being asked to leave the course.


Even if the player does not want or need a bag pusher, it is strongly recommended that each player competing in the JNJG Under 12 Tour has someone with them at all times whilst on the course.