2024 JNJG Under 12 Tour ACT


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JNJG Under 12 Tour - Tournament Rules



Preferred Lies

  • At all JNJG Under 12 Tour Events, 30cm Preferred Lies, Fairways Only will be a Tournament Rule.
  • If course condition or weather dictates anything different, we will let players and parents know.



Pace of Play - Tournament Condition

  • Pace of play is one of the most important aspects at all JNJG Tournaments, no matter what age division.


To help with pace of play at JNJG Under 12 Tour Events, all players (and bag pushers) MUST adhere to the following conditions.


  • Once all players are on the green and the balls have been marked, the player furthest from the hole will putt first.
  • Once this player has begun putting, they MUST continue to putt until the ball is in the hole.
  • The remaining players will do the same once it is their turn, putting until their ball is in the hole.


If a player wishes to mark their ball and line it up, this is ok, however at no stage is a player to mark their ball and wait for the next player to putt. Each player MUST putt out once they have begun putting.


  • Once a player has finished putting, they MUST move straight to the next tee and get ready to tee off.
  • At all JNJG Under 12 Tour events, the maximum score for any hole is 10 strokes – players must pick up and move to the next hole after 10 strokes.



1. Out of Bounds

Out of bounds is defined as beyond the boundary fences, white stakes/poles or white stakes/poles with black tops/stripes (or the extension of such fence line or stakes/poles).

2. Seams of Cut Turf

If a player’s ball in the general area lies in or touches a seam of cut turf, or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.  But interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance.  All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief.

3. Abnormal Course Conditions (Rule 16)

  1. Ground Under Repair (GUR) is defined by any area encircled by a white line or blue stakes. GUR includes (whether marked or not): See Rule 16.1
  2. Immovable Obstructions
  • All roads and paths on the course, even if not artificially-surfaced, are treated as immovable obstructions from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1
  • Landscaped garden areas, as defined by white stakes with green tops, are No Play Zones.  Relief MUST be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1f
  • Staked trees and staked shrubs that interferes with the area of intended swing, or immediate line of play (within two (2) club lengths) are No Play Zones and are ground under repair (the GUR includes the stake and any wrapping). Relief MUST be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1b.
  • Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1. The player also has these extra options to take relief when such immovable obstructions are within two (2) club lengths to the putting green and on the line of play.


4. Relief from Exposed Tree Roots and Rocks

If a player’s ball is in the general area cut to fairway height and there is interference to the path of the club head from exposed tree roots and/or rocks, the tree roots and/or rocks are treated as ground under repair. The player may, in consultation with their marker, take free relief of a one club length drop, under Rule 16.1b.  Interference does not exist if the tree roots and/or rocks only interfere with the player’s stance. See Rule 16.1b

5. Pace of Play (Rule 5.6)

In the absence of mitigating circumstances, a group is liable to be timed if it is in excess of the time allowed and in the case of second or subsequent groups, out of position. From the commencement of timing, if any player exceeds 50 seconds on a ‘first to play approach shot (including Par 3 tee shot), chip or putt’, or 40 seconds if it is a tee shot or ‘second or third to play shot’, they shall be deemed to have had a bad time.  See Main Notice Boards for penalties.

6. Penalty for Breach of Local Rule (Unless Otherwise Specified)

General Penalty.


Fairbairn GC, Match Committee

16 February 2024